
1995 Leavers informal reunion

June 07, 2025
18:00 to 22:00 
The Cricket Pavilion
College Road
Bristol BS8

We are delighted to welcome back the Class of 1995 to an informal BBQ on The Close on Saturday 7th June 2025

Cost includes a welcome drink and fully catered BBQ including sides and salads. There will be a card bar for those wanting to purchase further drinks. Partners are welcome.  We hope guests will be able to watch the end of a school cricket match as well.

Please enter the College via the Pavilion Lane pedestrian gate off College Road. There is no onsite parking but there are no parking charges on the roads around the College on a Saturday.

We have lost contact with a few from the year group - Click here to see, can you help with an email address? 

  School House Upper 6th. 1995 


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