Ashley Coates (NT 2008) has Bristol Book published
Tuesday, 19 July 2022
A new book brings together 365 fascinating facts about our city into a compendium of illuminating insights. From dinosaurs on the Downs to long lost railway stations, pirates, planes and the Plimsoll Line, the book is packed with information that will change your view of the city forever. Officially launched on 19th July. The launch date was chosen to line up with the launch and return of the SS Great Britain. Author Ashley Coates said: “A challenging medical condition forced me to go part-time and return to Bristol three years ago. I wanted to rediscover the city I had grown up in, going out of my way to find new places and try to understand the place better. This book is a product of that journey.”
Commenting on the launch date: “I thought there was a beautiful symmetry in the Great Britain’s launch and ‘return’ dates. If you read the book one fact at a time from the 1st January onwards, dates such as this one will line up as you go along.” |